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biodiversity, conservation, environment, nature, wildlife, sustainability
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@CenterForBioDiv Twitter needs a "sad" button.
Global warming is here, and now is the time to act. twitter.com/PaulREhrlich/s…
E.O. Wilson at 90: Conservation legend has big plans for future ow.ly/9GID30pcGDj #biodiversity #climatechange #ecology #extinction #environment #wildlife #nature #science #research #conservation #deforestation #Anthropocene #endangeredspecies #savingnature #HalfEarth
Esri User Conference Explores GIS Enabling the Intelligent Nervous System for the Planet ow.ly/ZmoM30p2kWx See @EsriUC @Esri #EsriUC #GIS #maps #TheScienceofWhere #ArcGIS #geography #mapgeek #geogeek #URISA #GITA #GISP #NSGIC
Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk, UN scientists warn ow.ly/hEOR30oDccV via @guardian #biodiversity #climatechange #ecology #extinction #environment #wildlife #nature #science #research #conservation #deforestation #Anthropocene #endangeredspecies
A Global Deal For Nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets by @EDinerstein et al in @ScienceAdvances ow.ly/B0q230owUQ1 #GDN #biodiversity #climatechange #ecology #extinction #environment #nature #science #research #conservation #deforestation #carbon
Celebrate Earth Day with screening of clips from STRAWS, a documentary about the plastic pollution crisis. Students will learn about the environmental impact of straws. #science #documentary #discovery #crisis #education #plasticpollution #earthday discoveryeducation.com/learn/…
A natural solution to the climate disaster ow.ly/7yzF30okGXD #biodiversity #climatechange #ecology #extinction #environment #wildlife #nature #science #research #conservation #deforestation #Anthropocene #endangeredspecies #restoration #activism
UN: Environment is deadly, worsening mess, but not hopeless "This report clearly shows the connections between the environment and human health and well-being" ~ Duke ecologist @Stuart Pimm ow.ly/Ilb230o3Fw6 #climatechange #ecology #environment #wildlife #nature
Humans have completely destabilized land animal diversity ow.ly/QirX30nUXNl #biodiversity #climatechange #ecology #extinction #environment #wildlife #nature #paleobiodiversity #science #research