Here we present 10 powerful biodiversity images. A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. That may be true! Today we’re swamped with information. Images can say a lot with a little. That said, we’re in the digital revolution. So now we’re flooded with zillions of photos and memes. We like and tag images […]
Second International Conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
Evidence synthesis for environmental management The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity has the pleasure of hosting the 2nd International Collaboration for Environmental Evidence conference in France in 2018. The methods of CEE evidence synthesis (systematic reviews, systematic mapping, etc.) and the results of these syntheses will be presented in different domains such as Health and […]
5 Reasons Citizen Science Can Help To Save Biodiversity
The advent of the Internet and social technologies have greatly enhanced participation by the public in scientific research. For example, Zooniverse currently offers 51 projects asking for public assistance. However, so-called “citizen science” remains an under-utilized resource. Citizen scientists can help to map, record and ultimately preserve biodiversity. We at Biodiversity Professionals strongly encourage our […]
How our definition of nature shapes conservation efforts
In our attempts to safeguard nature, from entire ecosystems to the last specimen of rare species, all allies are welcome. More than ever, there is a need for an overarching view on what conservation is supposed to be. This article serves to introduce biodiversity professionals to contemporary environmental philosophy. It is a discipline that could […]
The BIG Biodiversity Challenge 2016
With construction and development essential for continued economic growth, it is crucial that the current upward trend does not come at the expense of the natural environment. Further awareness of the relationship between natural systems and a strong economy has led to organisations developing plans and strategies that integrate both economic and environmental targets. An […]
First International Conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
We are incredibly excited about the First International Conference of The Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE). Our theme for this inaugural event is “Better Evidence. Better Decisions. Better Environment.” CEE is an open collaboration with a global mission to provide the best available evidence to inform decision making in the environmental sector. We are witnessing […]
Can advances in DNA technologies provide solutions for biodiversity assessment, conservation and environmental protection?
The scientific literature identifies many opportunities for the application of DNA technologies to biodiversity assessment, conservation and environmental protection, enthusiastically advocating use of the technology. The transformation in DNA processing technologies driven by the human genome project, and the creation of DNA barcodes are identified as key enablers. However, despite the apparent optimism, the application […]
5 Reasons To Love Introduced Species
Introduced species get a bad rap from conservationists Over the last half-century, conservationists worldwide have taken every opportunity to deride introduced species certain in the knowledge that their views would escape serious scrutiny. We’ve all been singing from the same song sheet—the louder and more passionate the denouncement the more praise it has attracted. Many […]
Petition to save the wild chinchilla
The chinchilla is a beloved pet for many. However, wild chinchillas are listed by the IUCN as Critically Endangered. Their conservation status is due to exploitation of the animal for fur. According to Meadow (1969), “…the disappearance of the once beautiful chinchilla alarmed the South American governments of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. By 1918 […]
Conservationists must engage local communities
Let’s face it, top-down approaches haven’t worked. While the big NGOs have some merits, the model of going into a conservation area and it fencing off has not made much difference to the overall trend of biodiversity loss and wildlife population declines. One answer is to engage communities more frequently and more effectively. According to […]