Students at Elgin High School in Illinois need your help! The students are organizing a teach-in, the Miss Martha Biodiversity Project, to honor Martha, the very last Passenger Pigeon who died on September 1, 1914 in the Cincinnati Zoo. The National Biodiversity Teach-In is a multi-class project, being held September 21-27, 2014. The purpose of […]
Treasure trove of species and biodiversity info on World Archive of Sciences
Website review Site purpose A Google Drive website, created by French researchers, has morphed into a huge online digital library with more than 55,800 free digitized documents comprising more than 38.5 million pages. The World Archive of Sciences link was posted to the Biodiversity Professionals Discussion page by member Christophe Avon, President of the Musée […]
Using technology to identify and map biodiversity [VIDEO]
This video is a presentation on using technology to map and identify biodiversity. The seminar is one of the Oxford Martin School‘s seminar series: Blurring the lines: the changing dynamics between man and machine. The video covers a range of issues relevant to biodiversity issues, beginning with global biodiversity challenges such as climate change and […]
New website devoted to the mapping of Earth’s biodiversity
Biodiversity Professionals group member Dr. Clinton Jenkins has created a website Biodiversity Mapping dedicated to mapping Earth’s biodiversity. Renowned for his beautiful maps depicting species diversity of various vertebrate groups, Dr. Jenkins announced the website today. According to the email announcement: “The site was created to provide easy access to maps and GIS data that […]
Group Announcement: November 2013
You are busy! Out of respect for your time, I rarely send out group emails. But I just had to share with you the news that we now have more that 10,000 members in the group. As one of the biggest, if not the biggest, conservation-related groups on LinkedIn we have the opportunity to make […]
Our forum is launched!
The Biodiversity Professionals Forum is now live. We are using the Vanilla open source platform, which provides a user-friendly format, and is easy to manage on the back end as well. New features will be added to forum in the near future. Anyone can sign up with a couple of clicks and use the forum. […]
How to access the best biodiversity jobs online
The Biodiversity Professionals LinkedIn group features an automated feed of biodiversity jobs from across the LinkedInosphere. Click the tab on the top menu of the page (circled in red) to access the feed. And there really are some great jobs in the feed. Here’s a few that were recently featured. Head of Education, Chester Zoo […]
We’ve launched Beta!
The Biodiversity Professionals website is up and running! We’re in Beta, and just getting started. We have some great suggestions and I’ve not yet incorporated all of them, but I will certainly be considering them in upcoming updates to the site. Please note that I’ll be changing the design before we’re ready to go officially […]
Group Announcement: April 2013
Dear fellow Biodiversity Professional, Here is a rare email from me. I must say that I am overwhelmed by how many people have joined the group. We now number more than 6,500! It is an honor to connect with so many like-minded professionals. It is through strength in numbers and by sharing and networking that […]
Group Announcement: October 2011
Fellow Biodiversity Professional, You don’t want any unwanted emails cluttering your inbox! So I hope you’ll forgive this rare message from me as founder of the Biodiversity Professionals group on Linkedin. It’s the first I’ve sent since I started the group less than a year ago. I’m writing to report an important group milestone. Yesterday […]